Book Reviews
- Fossatti, Diego. Unity through Division: Political Islam, Representation and Democracy in Indonesia. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2022, Roundtable in Asia Policy 19.2 (2024).
- Gervasoni, Carlos. Hybrid Regimes within Democracies: Fiscal Federalism and Subnational Rentier States, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2018, Publius – The Journal of Federalism (2021), DOI: 10.1093/publius/pjab006
- Harsono, Andreas. Race, Islam and Power: Ethnic and Religious Violence in Post-Suharto Indonesia. Victoria: Monash University Publishing. Southeast Asia Research, DOI: 10.1080/0967828X.2019.1689723
- Pepinsky, Thomas B., R. William Liddle, and Saiful Mujani. Piety and Public Opinion: Understanding Indonesian Islam. New York: Oxford University Press. Perspectives on Politics. Vol. 17, No. 2 (2019): 610-612
- Menchik, Jeremy. 2017. Islam and Democracy in Indonesia: Tolerance without Liberalism. New York City: Cambridge University Press. ASEASUK Newsletter. (2019), online.
- Kanchan Chandra, Ed., 2016. Democratic Dynasties: State, Party and Family in Contemporary Indian Politics. New York City: Cambridge University Press. ASEASUK Newsletter, (2018), online.
- Kloos, David. 2017. Becoming better Muslims: Religious authority & ethical improvement in Aceh, Indonesia. Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press. Politics, Religion & Ideology (2018).
- Winn, Patrick. 2018. Hello, Shadowlands: Inside the Meth Fiefdoms, Rebel Hideouts and Bomb-scarred Party Towns of Southeast Asia. London: Icon Books. New Mandala, June 26.
- Hadiz, Vedi R. 2016. Islamic Populism in Indonesia and the Middle East, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ASEASUK News, 62 (2017), 27-30.
- Barr, Michael. 2014. The Ruling Elite of Singapore: Networks of Power and Influence. London: I.B. Tauris. South East Asia Research 24, 4 (2016), 540-2.
- Behrend Jacqueline and Laurence Whitehead. 2016. Illiberal Practices: Territorial Variance within Large Federal Democracies, Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press. Publius – The Journal of Federalism (2016).
- Dina, Afrianty. Women and sharia law in Northern Indonesia: local women’s NGOs and the reform of Islamic law in Aceh. 2015. New York, Routledge. Journal of Gender Studies (2015).
- Nishizaki, Yoshinori. 2011. Political Authority and Provincial Identity in Thailand. South East Asia Research, 24, 1 (2016), 158-163.
- Davidson, Jamie. 2015. Indonesia’s Changing Political Economy: Governing the Roads. Contemporary Southeast Asia, 37, 3 (2015), 492-4.
- Hastuti, Dewi Kurniawati. 2015. Indonesian women and local politics: Islam, gender, and networks in post-Suharto Indonesia. Journal of Gender Studies, 24, 6 (2015), 705-7.
- Ziegenhain, Patrick. 2015. Institutional Engineering and Political Accountability in Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines; Garry Rodan and Caroline Hughes. 2015. The Politics of Accountability in Southeast Asia: The Dominance of Moral Ideologies. ASEASUK News, No. 58 (2015), 11-14.
- Review Essay. Agustina Giraudy. 2015. Democrats and Autocrats: Pathways of Subnational Undemocratic Regime Continuity within Democratic Countries; Rebecca Weitz-Shapiro. 2015. Curbing Clientelism in Argentina: Politics, Poverty, and Social Policy. Publius-The Journal of Federalism (2015). DOI:10.1093/publius/pjv038
- Review Essay. 2014. State Management of Religion in Indonesia by Myengkyo Seo; The Roots of Terrorism in Indonesia: From Darul Islam To Jema’ah Islamiyah by Solahudin; Contemporary Developments in Indonesian Islam: Explaining the “Conservative Turn”, edited by Martin van Bruinessen. Democratization, DOI:
- Hal Hill. Ed. 2014. Regional Dynamics in a Decentralized Indonesia. ASEASUK News, No. 56 (2014), 29-31.
- Feener, Michael. 2013. Shari’a and Social Engineering: The Implementation of Islamic Law in Contemporary Aceh, Indonesia. Indonesia, 98 (2014), 148-52.
- Dipali Mukhopadhyay. 2014. Warlords, Strongman Governors, and the State in Afghanistan. Publius-The Journal of Federalism, (2014).
- Edward Gibson. 2012. Boundary Control: Subnational Authoritarianism in Federal Democracies. Publius-The Journal of Federalism, (2014).
- Ehito Kimura. 2013. Political Change and Territoriality in Indonesia: Provincial Proliferation. Indonesia, (April 2014)
- Vedi Hadiz. 2010. Localising Power in Post-Authoritarian Indonesia: A Southeast Asia Perspective. Social Forces, (2012), 1-3.
- Nankyung Choi. 2011. Local Politics in Indonesia: Pathways to Power. Publius-The Journal of Federalism, 42, 2 (2012), 1-3.
- Review Essay: Paul J. Carnegie. 2010. The Road from Authoritarianism to Democratization in Indonesia; Coen Holtzappel and Martin Ramstedt (eds), 2009, Decentralization and Regional Autonomy in Indonesia; Adam Tyson, 2010, Decentralization and Adat Revivalism in Indonesia. Pacific Affairs, 85, 1 (2012), 161-68.
- Masdar Hilmy 2010. Islamism and Democracy in Indonesia: Piety and Pragmatism. Indonesia, 91 (2011), 211-4.
- Harold Crouch. 2010. Political Reform in Indonesia after Soeharto. Indonesia, 90 (2010), 189-92.
- Thomas B. Pepinsky. 2009. Economic Crises and the Breakdown of Authoritarian Regimes: Indonesia and Malaysia in Comparative Perspective. Comparative Political Studies, 44, 2, (2010), 245-9.
- Gerry van Klinken and Joshua Barker (eds). 2009. State of Authority: The State in Society in Indonesia. South East Asia Research, 18, 2 (2010), 349-53.
- Heinrich Boell Foundation. 2005. Towards Good Society: Civil Society Actors, The State, and the Business Class in South East Asia: Facilitators of or Impediments to a Strong, Democratic, and Fair Society?, Asien, No. 105 (2007), 128-9.
- Jones, W. Krepon M. and Z. Haider. 2004. Escalation Control and the Nuclear Option in South Asia. Asian Studies Review, 2005, 29, 3 (2005), 434-5.